Kellie Nadler

Kellie teaches yoga as a means for welcoming people home to the present moment. They are a student of tantric yoga and vipassana meditation and teach classes that weave these practices together through movement, meditation, and breathwork. In Kellie's classes rest doesn't have to be earned, there is no dress code, and we aren't practicing to achieve anything or get anywhere. It's meditation in motion; a time to get in touch with our bodies as they are showing up moment to moment.

Kellie is non-binary and gay and teaches from these lived experiences. The practice of yoga helps them, day after day, find comfort and ease in their body. Queer bodies can be battlefields and spaces of deep liberation, and yoga makes space for both truths to be alive and tended to at the same time.

Aiming to offer others what yoga has offered them, Kellie's classes are invitations to tune in, unmask, and practice the ever-unfolding art of being with yourself in community. Students can expect an emphasis on non-duality, no gendering of energies or poses, and an open invitation to show up just as you are today. Come to class prepared to move with the seasons, the weather, and even the day's cultural climate. It's about being with and responding to what is.

Off the mat, Kellie builds and sustains free college programs for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated Californians and is an avid soup maker.

Class Schedule


Queer Yoga - Mondays 12 - 1 PM